3 Subtle Areas Where a Divorce Lawyer Helps Spouses

Posted on: 15 December 2020


Divorcing your partner of many years can be emotionally stressful, especially for middle-aged couples. You wonder whether you will manage to pick up the pieces and move on or crumble under the psychological storm that comes with divorce. However, you need a clear head throughout the process, and this is where a competent lawyer comes in handy. Other than the traditional roles of a lawyer, such as division of assets and setting of child custody terms, a divorce lawyer can help you in other different ways. The extra mile that some divorce lawyers go on behalf of their clients separates the best lawyers from the ordinary practitioner.  

Weighs In on an Uncontested Divorce -- An uncontested divorce refers to a situation where spouses agree on all terms, including child custody, alimony and child support, visitation, and property settlement. Since none of the partners disagrees with the terms and conditions, it is tempting not to hire a lawyer. However, a competent lawyer will show you that they are indispensable even in an uncontested divorce. The reason is that navigating court procedures and drafting divorce paperwork is not for the layperson. The slightest error in wording can change the intended meaning of a clause, leading to disagreements after a divorce is settled. A competent divorce lawyer will offer to peruse the paperwork to ensure that you do not waive your rights or obligate yourself to responsibilities unwittingly. 

Proposes Mediation -- With divorce rates on a steady drop over the last ten years, one would expect divorce lawyers to root for higher divorce rates to make money. However, competent lawyers understand the devastating impacts of divorce and do not mind playing a role in reducing the rates. Even if spouses think they are definitely divorcing, a qualified lawyer will often recommend mediation first. Your lawyer and your spouse's lawyer will discuss and recommend a mediator to help you go through the process amicably. The strategy is beneficial, especially if children are involved. 

Locates Hidden Assets -- During divorce proceedings, spouses are advised to be forthcoming with the assets they own. However, some spouses are very good at hiding their assets, and it takes a reasonable divorce lawyer to locate the properties. The reason is that hiding assets denies one spouse a fair share of the property. A competent divorce lawyer can hire a private forensic investigator to find out whether your spouse is hiding any assets. It is usually necessary in divorce cases where one spouse has substantial control of the family's finances and properties.

To learn more, contact a divorce lawyer.