• Critical Grounds for Contesting a Will

    When a parent, grandparent, or spouse passes on, their estate is divided to dependants according to their will in a process called probate. However, it does not mean that heirs have to accept the contents of a will. Therefore, if a dependant is dissatisfied with a will, they have a right to challenge or contest it. While contesting a will is not very common, it happens, and such challenges are successful in some cases.
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  • Conveyancing Explained

    If you are in the market for a house or you are selling your own property, this article will help you understand how conveyancing works — what it is and why it is important. In legal jargon, conveyancing is the process of transferring property from one owner to another. The seller transfers ownership to a buyer by signing over their title to them, often through a solicitor. Certifying the title
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  • 4 Will Preparation Tips

    Writing a will can be quite challenging. More often than not, testators do not know where to start or what to include in their wills. Below is an extract discussing some will preparation tips that you should consider.  Appraise Your Estate You will need to appraise your estate to determine the value of your assets. As you appraise your estate, it would be in your best interests to settle any debts that might befall your beneficiaries once you pass away.
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