Are You Ready for the Swoop and Squat When You're Driving?
If you think that the "swoop and squat" is some kind of dance move or the latest trend in the gym, then you may not have been paying too much attention to the news recently. An increasing number of people are falling victim to this crime, where a team of fraudsters stage a car crash on purpose, involving you. It pays to be aware of their tactics and to know what to do, should you be singled out as their next victim.
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Preparing for Separation – 3 Matters to Consider
Failing to prepare adequately for a divorce (relationship dissolution) often increases costs to both parties, time inconvenience, emotional distress, personal conflict and mental stress. When couples live together for a long time, their lives become intertwined, and this is why it is a bit challenging to get separated or divorced particularly when they have children, and valuable assets have been accumulated during the marriage. To prepare for a separation and divorce, you must hire qualified divorce lawyers.
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What Type of Injuries Are Most Common During a Car Accident?
Some people say that if you drive an average number of kilometres per year, then you will almost inevitably become involved in an accident at some stage in your driving career. While a modern-day automobile is built to withstand impacts to a large extent, there is only so much that engineers can do, and the occupants could well be injured in the event of a high-speed collision. If you're worried that you may be overdue for your accident based on the law of averages, what type of injuries should you be worried about?
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Are You Considering Purchasing a Home From a Family Member?
It is becoming increasingly frequent for family members to try and keep property within the family for many different reasons. For example, it is often easier to negotiate a sale/purchase from a family member that you know well. You may also be more familiar with the property and therefore more comfortable making the purchase. However, buying a home from a family member can easily become as complicated as it is simple.
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How to Look at Money in a Different Light Following a Separation
'Money makes the world go 'round', as the old saying goes, but in certain circumstances it can appear to make it stop, as well. If you've separated from a long-term partner or spouse and are trying to unravel all your affairs, money can certainly be one of the most emotive subjects you're likely to encounter. In an ideal world, both parties would walk away from any particular settlement agreement feeling mutually okay, but for one reason or another, this rarely happens.
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An Overview of Services Offered by Criminal Law Attorneys
Criminal law is one of the most complex areas of Australian law. It's complex in its original structure, and it tends to change regularly in accordance with the political and local climate. Some changes to the current laws may reduce the rights that people have when they are suspected of committing a crime. Therefore, criminal law attorneys play an important role in ensuring that your rights are adequately protected under the law and that you clearly understand what steps you should take if you're suspected of committing a crime.
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Surprising Things You Probably Can't Include In Your Will
It's usually not a good idea to attempt to write your own will, as there are many legalities that address how a will should be worded and signed and which can affect whether or not the courts recognize that will as valid once you've passed away. You may also overlook some items that should be included in your will, such as the care of your pet, and there are some things that you actually cannot include or dictate in your will!
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Determining Who Keeps the Dog After a Divorce
It might sound odd, even rather cold, and yet in the event of a divorce did you know that the family dog can be treated just like any other shared property to be divided? While of course your dog is a sentient being and its welfare is catered for under applicable legislation, your dog can seemingly have the same status as your living room furniture in a divorce. This can be problematic when two parties are arguing about who gets to keep the dog.
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